July 5, 2024

Overreaction Monday (10/9/23)

What a weekend it was in the sports world! A roller coaster of emotions for many of us. Let’s let them get the best of us or not! I do think any of these are overreactions though, so today’s should be re-named to “rational thinking Monday.”

Not an Overreaction — Being a Top-2 seed in the MLB Playoffs is actually not good

This is year 2 of the new playoff system and whether it’s not reseeding after the wildcard round or what, these great teams in the regular season sure seem to struggle. Only one time of the eight series that have been played has the higher seed had a 2-0 lead. I think it’s becoming proven that having that full week off is detrimental, especially if your opponent swept in the wildcard series (which 7 of the 8 have). You’re essentially letting good teams get hot coming into the Divisional Series. Hear me out: the one winner take all game when it’s all hands-on deck pitching wise would be the solution to this or have a 5-game series in the WC round. You need to have these teams in that round stress out that roster cause it’s obvious that doesn’t happen in the three-game series and it seems to become an advantage which is wrong for the lower seed to have.

Not an Overreaction — The Panthers trading for Bryce Young will be worse than the Herschel Walker trade

I mean, Bryce Young has not looked good at really any point yet and yes, I know that the season is young, but at the moment they gave up DJ Moore, an established WR, the pick that was Jalen Carter, and the pick that is most likely going to be Caleb Williams + a future 2nd. With each loss this trade looks worse and worse for Carolina.

Not an Overreaction — Sean Payton will not make it through his first season in Denver

Somehow, some way the Broncos one-upped the monstrosity that was the Russell Wilson trade. They traded a 1st round pick for a coach who is CLEARLY washed and just collecting a check. Did we ever see how Sean Payton was as a coach when he didn’t have a Top-10 QB of all time under center for him? Cause it’s easy to win a lot with a great QB, just go ask Bill Belichick. Things ain’t easy when your QB sucks and you have to find creative ways to win. Sean Payton’s only creative thing he has done is kick a surprise onside kick in the Super Bowl. He sucks and he’s an unlikeable asshole on top of it.