July 3, 2024

It is Time for Caleb Williams to Turn His Attention to the NFL

Before we get into it all… I’M BACK.

Okay, let’s get into the topic of conversation and that is that Caleb Williams should just sit out the rest of the season for USC and prepare for the NFL Draft. As a HUGE fan of Caleb Williams and the talent that I think he is now and will be in the NFL, I do not want to see him playing at USC anymore. Risking injury, draft stock, etc. are concerns that I have and should be going through the mind of Williams. Let’s face it, USC after suffering back-to-back losses is out of the National Championship race and along with that, Caleb Williams is out of the Heisman race. Really, the only things that Williams was striving for were a College Football Playoff birth and to make history being the second athlete ever to win the Heisman trophy in back-to-back seasons. With both goals seemingly out of reach, it is time for Williams to focus on his bright future in the NFL. Getting healthy and training are the only things that should be on the mind of Williams. 

Let’s face it with the USC Trojans, this is not a very good team, and is the typical Lincoln Riley bunch. However, I think that Williams is so good that the system of plugging whoever at quarterback with this roster and the teams left on the schedule is not what it was with his time in the Big 12 conference. The defenses are more physical and the athletes in the PAC 12 are much more talented than in the Big 12, especially on the defensive side of the ball. USC still has Oregon, Washington, and UCLA on the schedule. I would have them losing two of those three games. With a record of 8-4 let’s say, Williams for sure is not going to be playing in the bowl game, so why stretch it out until then. Do not risk injury and do not worsen your draft stock when you have to face two legit top eight teams in all of the sport. Oregon’s defense is brutal and will give the USC Trojans problems all game and I think Washington can do that too. Along with that USC will not stop either of them on offense which will force Williams into uncomfortable situations the entire game. If I am a consultant of Williams I am telling him to get healthy and get training and prepared to break the internet at your Pro Day and the NFL Combine. Players have sat out for ENTIRE seasons and have still be drafted highly, so Williams needs to fall in line and prepare himself to be the greatest quarterback in NFL history.